Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Stronger with volunteering!

Jembrana International Workcamp 2016

Jembrana International workcamp 2016 was held on 8-19.-. august 2016 in SMPN 4 Negara , Jembrana regency, Bali, Indonesia. This project was in partner with SMPN 4 Negara. This project brought 2 volunteers from France(Louise Wasson, Lucie Lambert), 2 from Korea(Jeung Nam Kwon, Nuri Kim), 1 from Belgium(Daphne Sarpyener), 1 from Taiwan(Chen Mei-Chun), and 1 camp leader from Indonesia(Rudi Saputra).

This project focused on Education and Cultural development.  We lived in the local family there during this project.The vol

unteers did the project in the school to assist teachers in teaching activity especially English teachers. The interactions between the students and also the volunteers is really good, sometimes the students came to homestay to do their homework and doing interaction to the volunteers. They also try to learn Balinese traditional dance, Handy-craft and musical instrument.
The interaction between the volunteers and the local people also really interesting. They went to cultural ceremonies that Balinese held, such as Makepung, Purnama Ceremony, and Ngaben procession.
The volunteers also helped the school preparation for Independence day such as Marching Competition, Choir for Independence day ceremony, and so many thing s. Two days before the project ended, we did renovation in the school. Every volunteers painted their own flag in the pot, and put the plants inside.
In free time the volunteers went to Menjangan Island, Pulaki temple, Baluk Rening beach, Cupel Beach, Makepung(Buffalo Race), and Jembrana Festival.
The last day was very good. All of the students of SMPN 4 Negara, Teachers, Staffs,and all the volunteers held an farewell Ceremony, every volunteers gave their short speech for the last time and their impression, we had a traditional dance and music performance and took  pictures together.  In the evening, we did cooking-exchanges and Farewell party  with the local people and everyone that helped our project during we lived there. The volunteers were cooked food from their country, and everyone can eat that. It was such a great experience for all the volunteers to do volunteering in Jembrana, Bali project. Cultural understanding, and international youth friendship is one of the thing that really important. Stronger with volunteering!

Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

How to Respond People who Addicted to Smartphone?

Dedicated for everyone that lost his/her friends because of their smartphone...

Ehm..actually it is hard for me to do this. To write an articles that the title is started with  “How to…” words. Okay, forget it! Let’s move on. Let’s get down to the business. Now what is in your mind when you see someone that really busy with his/her smartphone? Even when they are walking?
There are some possibilities related to your reaction: 

1. You don’t even care
How can you think about another people if you don’t care about  yourself.  How can you think about another people if you are busy with your smartphone too?

2.You get annoyed
There are some reasons for you to get annoyed. Maybe they are playing music really loud, or maybe they are becoming   ‘uncontrolled’ because of a gossip in the internet or they read a status from their lover that make them doing that things (laughing, screaming, and crying uncontrolled) 

3.You get so upset
Why? You get so upset with them? You get so upset because everybody around you are very busy with their Instagram? BBM? Line? Facebook? Twitter? Or with another ‘thing’ related to their smartphone? It is normal nowadays.
Now, what will you do? For the one who get annoyed and get upset because of that case you need to be patient. There are some points that we have to know. 

1. Identify the problem
We need to know what is the core of the problems?  First before we judge them. How they could be like that? What they are doing? Why they are doing that? Do they have a problem?

There are some factors that really take a big role in this case. It happens nowadays. First,the people that come from the place that suffering “cultural lag” and come to the place that the people are modern they will be the best victim of ‘cultural shock’. Second, maybe they are addicted to a game, or social media. Why? Their ability to socialize in the real world are bad, their family problem, their broken friendship, etc. you need to understand them first. 

2. Get closer to them
Get closer to them. Invite them to an interesting conversation, PUT OFF your smartphone while you talk to them, but don’t ever force them to put their smartphone off. Keep talking till their concentration  is divided between you and their smartphone.  It would not be instant. You need to do it regularly and frequently. Remember, before you save another you need to save yourself first.

3. Bring back the happiness!
Bring back the happiness around you. Bring the spirit of happiness when you get conversation to your friends. Talk about daily activity, or even talking about shoe shock. .zzzz…You need to know that your positive thinking would bring back that happiness and bring you to the positive result.

4.  Pray to God

The last thing that you have to do after all your effort is praying. Pray to God for your friends, pray to God for your society.

Pintarnya dunia yang pintar?
oleh Rudi Saputra

Dahulu beberapa tahun yang lalu aku punya teman,
Kami semua berteman,
Begitu menyenangkan,
Seperti arum manis dipasar malam

Sekarang semuanya menjadi lebih pintar
Lebih pintar berpose
Lebih pintar bernyanyi
Lebih pintar mengadili
Lebih pintar…menyendiri

Kini teman-temanku bisa tertawa tanpa harus berkumpul dibawah pohon,
atau ditaman atau di warung lagi
Kini mereka bisa berteriak dan menangis tanpa ada orang tau sebabnya
Mereka begitu asyik dengan kepintarannya

Kini, saat berkumpul
Semua terasa berbeda, semuanya terlihat pintar dengan kepintaran yang mereka banggakan
Karya manusia lainnya
Mereka pintar berpose, berkumpul tak lengkap tanpa sorotan perekam
Obrolan tak lagi penting,
Pose yang terpenting

Dahulu mereka begitu menyenangkan

Tulisan :Rudi Saputra
Inspirasi:Teman-teman dan sekitar

Kamis, 16 Juni 2016

Friday Morning-The philosophy of HEAD

Today, is not special day because everyday is special, just like what you heard from a character in one of cartoon movie. When everyday you bring your head with you, don't you ever think what is the use of that 'think' ?


H-airy thing on the top of your body(almost of people's head are hairy, but sometime they prefer to be bald or sometime they have no hair because of genetical reason)
E-verything you do come from that thing
A-nd sometimes you don't know what you have done
D-o you understand that sometimes you hard to understand others because of that thing?

Not really sophisticated but I hope you have a big hope inside your HEAD.

Oleh:Rudi Saputra

Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Semarang 10.56

Duduk diantara suara-suara yang seharusnya indah
Seharusnya tertata dengan rapi
Menggelora semangat pejuang yang sama sekali tidak berjuang
Buku merah itu tertelungkup dibaris meja berisi jajaran mesin
Dia terus meraba-raba apa yang hendak ditulisnya

Ini bukan tentang sampul hijau lagi
atau selimut kesombongan yang merekah
Ini bukan lagi soal niat
sebatas formalitas

Bahkan aku tak yakin dia paham, mereka paham
aku hanya tau mereka berusaha memenuhi lembaran putih itu
dengan kata yang katanya masuk akal
dengan akal yang tak masuk kedalam niat awalnya

Ini bukan lagi tentang niat murni
bukan lagi tentang idealisme muda-mudi
ini tentang bagaimana memenuhi lembaran putih itu

Tulisan:Rudi Saputra
Tanggal:8 Juni 2016
Teruntuk :Mereka yang berjuang mengisi lembaran putih

Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Bagaimana cara (memulai) menulis Puisi?

Banyak hal yang dapat kita lakukan dikala senggang datang. Ada kalanya kita bercanda dan tertawa membicarakan hal yang penting hingga sama sekali tidak penting. Tapi percaya saja bahwa semuanya itu bakal jadi penting. Daripada kita bingung mau ngapain mending baca puisi...atau nulis puisi...asik ko. Percaya deh.
Tapi gimana sih caranya bikin puisi?

Sebelumnya kita harus paham dulu bahwa puisi itu karya yang ga dibatasi guys... 
gausah takut buat nulis, karna emang dari lama puisi udah biasa tuh ngelanggar yang namanya formalitas tata bahasa. oke kita bakal masuk ke step-step simple bikin puisi.

1. Baca puisi dari berbagai macam penulis dan gayanya
Gabisa kita remehkan kalau yang namanya penulis pasti butuh baca banyak, biar karyanya bisa dibilang baik. So, puisi ga sepanjang itu ko. gabutuh waktu lama buat bacanya. Ga kaya novel atau hikayat. Minimal kita baca dulu lah...soal paham atau engga itu proses.

2. Jangan kebanyakan mikir buat nyari inspirasi
Kenapa? Karena mikirpun juga inspirasi ko. Setiap hal itu inspirasi, jadi gaperlu jauh jauh buat nyari Cukup yang kalian hadapi aja itu udah lebih dari banyak.

3. Kalau mikir sambil pegang alat tulis
Alat tulis disini ya minimal kertas sama pena lah, gaperlu yang muluk muluk.Siapin aja pasti kita butuh. Inspirasi datnagnya ga diduga duga. so jangan sampai gasiap buat nuangin semuanya disaat yang ga kita kira. Ya kalo ga ada yang cara lama ya pastinya kalian punya gadget kan? Sama fungsinya.

4. Tulis
Jangan takut bahasanya gabagus, karna apa yang kita tulis pertama kali adalah apa yang keluar dari perasaan. Pembaca akan tau kalau itu adalah cerminan dari kejujuran kita.

Jadi nuggu apa lagi buat nulis?
Ingat, shakspears ataupun Rendra itu jadi penulis juga ada awalannya...jadi stop berpikir buat jadi terkenal. Fokus nulis, nikmatin tulisan kita sendiri minimal. Baru ketika memang karya kita diterima ya patut bersyukur. Itu bonus.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Looking at the literature that no longer just about 'Books' (English Version)

Sapardi Joko Damono, a writer with a big name in himself. I don’t  know how many of his writings are talked in circles and literary discussions. The professor who dedicated his life to talk, not to speak of origin. Obviously with ethics. Until he no longer could be considered young, she still looks young with fresh fruit and orderly mind with the times that perhaps many people think the days gone mad.

One interesting thing that ensnare the attention is his opinion that today's literature is not just about books. Many people write literature on the internet and are reluctant to pour it in a container called a book. Very interesting. When some people to glorify himself with books and established him as a revolutionary. Even more appalling is when, when, at a time when the 'harden' the head along with his opinions were still just opinions about literature and not the mutual consent. Literature is not stodgy, and literature moving with human thinking. Should it can be captured on the pack Sapardi opinion about the one thing that has always been a conversation, Literature.

Viral world, viral and talkative community. Similarly picture of the world we can see today. Internet is so charming with the colors. People Spread out their ideology without limitation anymore, not like the new order. Our attitude is consumed with internet and cyberspace should be controlled. Once again we live in the real world that upholds human rights. Use our rights wisely, do occasionally we deliberately violate the rights of others. Like that man should live, like a pack of Sapardi that if Gus Mus said ‘Bukan orang Pintar baru’.

Even if there are the right words to represent what I think might be this sentence is the most appropriate, "Happy to think, happy to speak up, and happy not to make others unhappy, the rights of others are not violated, and surely everything will be happily accepted.”

Selasa, 10 Mei 2016

Menilik sastra yang tak lagi sekedar ‘Buku’

Sapardi Joko Damono, seorang sastrawan dengan nama besar di dirinya. Entah berapa banyak tulisannya yang menjadi perbincangan di lingkaran-lingkaran diskusi sastra. Sang Profesor yang mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk berbicara, tidak asal berbicara. Tentunya dengan etika. Hingga usianya yang tak lagi bisa dibilang muda, dia tetap terlihat muda dengan buah pikirannya yang segar dan tertata mengikuti zaman yang mungkin banyak orang menganggap zaman yang sudah gila.

Satu hal menarik yang menjerat perhatian adalah pendapatnya bahwa sekarang ini sastra bukan hanya tentang buku. Banyak orang menulis sastra di internet dan enggan menuangkannya di sebuah wadah yang disebut buku. Sangat menarik. Saat sebagian manusia yang mengagungkan dirinya dengan buku dan menobatkan dirinya sebagai revolusioner. Yang lebih mengerikan adalah ketika,saat,diwaktu orang ‘mengeraskan’ kepalanya bersama dengan opininya yang masih sekedar opini tentang sastra  dan bukan persetujuan bersama. Sastra tidak kolot, dan sastra itu bergerak bersama pemikiran manusia. Hendaknya itu yang bisa ditangkap tentang pendapat pak Sapardi mengenai satu hal yang selalu menjadi perbincangan,Sastra.

Dunia viral, masyarakat viral dan latah. Demikian gambaran dunia yang bisa kita lihat sekarang. Internet begitu mempesona dengan warna-warninya. Orang mneyebarkan ideologinya tanpa batasan lagi, tak seperti zaman orde baru. Sikap kita yang termakan dengan keperkasaan internet dan dunia maya mesinya harus kita kendalikan. Sekali lagi kita hidup di dunia nyata yang menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia. Gunakan hak kita dengan bijaksana, jangan sesekali kita sengaja mengganggu hak orang lain. Seperti itulah manusia selayaknya hidup, seperti pak Sapardi yang kalau Gus Mus mengatakannya bukan orang pintar baru

Kalaupun ada kata yang tepat untuk merepresentasikan apa yang saya pikirkan mungkin kalimat ini yang paling tepat ,”Bahagia untuk berpikir, bahagia untuk beropini, dan bahagia untuk tidak membuat orang lain tidak bahagia, hak orang lain tidak terlanggar,dan tentulah semuanya akan menerima dengan bahagia.”